
Appeal Filed on Order 9080 – Construction Stormwater Permit for Super Sewer to Rockwool

The Environmental Quality Board (EQB) inappropriately decided that Jefferson County Foundation’s appeal of order 9080—which allowed the City of Charles Town (CTUB) to construct the super sewer to Rockwool WITHOUT a valid permit (and over 700 other entities)—was moot. On November 25, the Foundation filed an appeal of this decision to the Kanawha County Circuit Court.

Every challenge presents an opportunity to affect change. This case in particular is another step to make the DEP and the EQB follow the law. The DEP cannot be allowed to utilize enforcement orders to permit entities to sidestep the Clean Water Act and the EQB cannot just turn a blind eye to what’s right because it’s the easy way out. We stand up to such tactics because it’s the right thing to do. And we will every time.

We got to this place of dysregulation because the people did not hold the government to account. We have to now hold the line and never give up.

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