
JCC Approves Zoning Map Amendment 21-2-Z

On June 3, 2021 the Jefferson County Commission approved the Zoning Map Amendment change for Jefferson Orchards by a vote of 4-1. Commissioner Jane Tabb cast the lone “no” vote and was the only commissioner to speak other than the current Commission president, Steve Stolipher. (Remember, Stolipher is a former member of the JCDA, and one of those who  resigned in response to the public outcry over its role in bringing Rockwool here.) As a result of today’s vote, 238 acres in Kearneysville will change from Rural zoning to Light Industrial and Residential zoning. This vote comes despite overwhelming commentary from residents, opposing the change, with such comments filled with facts and evidence in opposition. The staff of Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Office also opposed this zoning amendment because it does not conform to the Comprehensive Plan.

Jefferson County Foundation would like to thank the numerous people (hundreds) who sent in written public comment. Of the comments that were included in the agenda packet today, only one letter was in support of the project. All other comments were against the proposed zoning amendment. There were many who spoke out against the proposed zoning amendment during the hearing and we thank those who were brave enough to speak up. We were particularly dismayed by the negative way in which the public who took the time to participate were portrayed by the applicant’s representative. To the contrary, it is important and right for all of us to continue to urge our government to act in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan for our county. While it is disheartening to hear disparaging remarks about citizens who voice support for our Comprehensive Plan and for sustainable, rational development in the county, it is important for all of us to continue to urge the county government to act in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. 

Read the written public comment submitted by Jefferson County Foundation.

Read through the JCC Agenda Packet (searchable). 59MB PDF

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